North Cyprus has been described as vastly beautiful

More than sun, sea and sand

North Cyprus has been described as “vastly beautiful,” in an article in one of Britain’s biggest newspapers.

The Daily Telegraph Travel Correspondent, Chris Leadbeater, writes about how the island has been the victim of a certain “snobbishness.” “Generations of well-heeled Britons have looked down their noses at the Med’s largest island – it’s time for that to change,” he says.

More than sun sea and sand in North Cyprus

It packs in Greek, Roman and Byzantine history

He quotes Noel Josephides, the chairman of Sunvil, a long-established travel agency, who told him that the island remains a hugely reliable destination, with “the most stable weather and warmest sea in the eastern Mediterranean, and a long summer season stretching from March through to the end of November.”

It also, he adds, offers much more than sun and sand. “It packs in Greek, Roman and Byzantine history, fabulous archaeological remains, and heavily forested mountains, plus some brilliant hotels, and excellent food and wine.”

North Cyprus is vastly beautiful in parts

The newspaper adds: “Crossing a “border” that has been open (Covid times excepted) since 2003 is no longer the trip into the unknown it once was (the conflict has long subsided into an exhausted stalemate) – and in the case of the capital Nicosia, which is directly bisected by the Green Line, it makes for an undeniably fascinating experience (the souk-like market and the religious hybrid of the Selimiye Mosque, a former cathedral, on the north side of the fence contrasting with the modern shops and bars to the south). Divided it may be, dangerous it is not, it says. North Cyprus is vastly beautiful in parts; much less developed than the south, and home to historic towns – Kyrenia and Famagusta in particular – which sing of the island’s history every bit as persuasively as Paphos and Nicosia. 

Walking in North Cyprus

“Approaching the Troodos range from the other side, it also serves up plenty of terrain for hiking and cycling. Adventure specialist Exodus Travels introduced a “Walking in North Cyprus” group tour in 2011, and has not struggled to fill it in the subsequent decade. 

Walking in North Cyprus in Troodos mountain

“The trip has been popular since it launched, with numbers growing each year,” says Exodus product manager Vivien Urban. “The area offers sunshine, history, delicious cuisine, unspoilt beaches and natural beauty. It is the perfect destination for adventurous travellers, as much as for relaxation.”

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