About Freedom Group North Cyprus

The safety, security and good health of our members is of the utmost importance to us.

In light of the continually evolving COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, we wanted to personally update you all about our upcoming Freedom events, and the measures we have taken against this new type of virus (COVID – 19) that has caused concern around the globe.

We have been closely monitoring the developments and have been in communication with the Ministry of Health in North Cyprus.

Not allowed to enter TRNC

As from Midnight 13th March the decision was unless you have residency or are a TRNC national you will not be allowed to enter the TRNC from Turkey or South Cyprus between now and 1st April.

If you do have residency or are a national, then you will have to also go into 14-day home quarantine:

TRNC Ministry

The Ministry has also stopped arrivals from 5 different countries: Iran, Iraq, China, Italy and South Korea.

In addition, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Denmark, England, USA, Hong Kong, Japan, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium.

Passengers coming from Austria, Sweden, Qatar, Singapore and Bahrain are banned from all land and air access.

Cancelled tour

We have cancelled all upcoming Freedom Tours throughout March 2020 in light of this ongoing issue.

We have taken all these precautions and concrete steps to ease the concerns of our valued guests whilst travelling and staying in North Cyprus, and to prevent the further potential spread of the virus.

About COVID-19

For more information about COVID – 19 please visit www.who.int

We will of course monitor the situation as it evolves and re-evaluate over the coming days and weeks.

Bookings for Freedom Tours

All bookings and tours will be rescheduled once the Ministry has relaxed the current directives.

Freedom Support is open

We will continue to support you all via telephone, email, social media and zoom calls to ensure you feel safe, secure and confident.

It is our greatest wish that the new type of coronavirus will be halted as soon as possible around the world, bringing relief for everyone affected in these difficult times.

I sincerely believe that we will overcome this problem all together.

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