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North Cyprus is winning increasing acceptance within the international community, according to President, Ersin Tatar, who is leading the drive for recognition of his country as a sovereign state.
Representatives of ex-pat organisations and visiting foreign students were invited to the gardens of the Presidential Palace in Lefkoşa for the launch of a new book, “The Vision for Two States in Cyprus.” The English language book, authored by foreign press officer and member of the negotiating team, Kerem Haser, documents the political moves and negotiations in pursuit of his goal that have taken place during President Tatar’s first two years in office.
It reveals proposals made by President Tatar at the three-day long, 5+UN, informal meeting that was held in Geneva, Switzerland, in April 2021, where he first put forward his new policy for the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot people and the cooperative relationship between the two existing states on the island.

President Tatar said: “The TRNC is being acknowledged more due to our vision and policy. The TRNC is on the path of becoming more recognised internationally. It is our sincere wish that a settlement can be found that is based on a realistic and sustainable basis on the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot people, where the two states coexist in good neighbourly relations, on the basis of a cooperative relationship.”

The President added that “This book communicates our arduous work and policy on the fact that Turkish Cypriot People are as sovereign as the Greek Cypriot people. It is high time the international community takes effective steps to end the great injustice being imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people, which is preventing our people from being able to enjoy direct trade and direct flights to the country.”

Special Representative of the President, Ergün Olgun, stated that “The Vision for Two States in Cyprus can also be viewed as a reference book, covering the period of October 2020 when the President was first elected, to the end of 2022. This book is a living, written account of the struggle of the Turkish Cypriot people for the acknowledgment of their inherent sovereign equality and equal international rights.”
Sending a message to the Greek Cypriot leader, Nicos Christodoulides, President Tatar stated: “The two sovereign states in Cyprus can cooperate in the fields of trade, tourism, health, agriculture, sharing of water resources and energy to name a few. My six cooperation proposals that I conveyed last July continue to be on the table. We are open to cooperation for the interconnection of electricity cables to the EU via the Republic of Türkiye which is feasible, as Türkiye is a mere 40 miles away from the island.”